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"In the best classrooms, grades are only one of many types of feedback provided to students"
Douglas B. Reeves
Nicolas Perrin
If you're interested in aligning to the new paradigm then one way to do so is through sacred geometry and a deeper understanding/knowledge of numbers. A dear friend Roman Light is offering original wisdom that he has received directly from source. On my first encounter with Roman when the universe gifted me of meeting him which was me hitch hiking from Confest a year ago I had the pleasure of getting a 10 hour straight download. From my own personal experience I was most definitely upgraded from the energy and wisdom. Thanks Roman for your generosity and gifts.
Brendan D. Murphy
Co-founder of Global Freedom Movement and author of ‘The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality'
Romy’s intellectual intensity is matched perhaps only by the intensity of his big open heart. He’s a true Jedi, with rare insight into the links between number and geometry—with a helluva lot of insight into the dynamics of spacetime implosion and explosion / contraction and expansion. I’m always interested to hear what his latest direct intuitive downloads are and compare them with where my own research has led me. Truly, I know that my own investigations can never be remotely “complete” until I have spent considerable time immersed in Roman’s information, and then more time again in consolidation. He’s on my permanent “watch list.” Physics, number, and geometry, however, are not where his intriguing and pioneering exploits end, as I note his work in free energy, electroculture, energising food, community building, and what I glibly dub “hyperdimensional healing” (again employing implosion physics). On the list goes. His independent work on overunity tech has global implications for freedom, sovereignty, and the health of our mother earth, to say nothing of our collective consciousness. Proud to call this man a fellow space cadet and Jedi.  
Si Favorito
Conscious Chef, Speaker & founder of Our Conscious Kitchen
Roman allows us to release the old paradigm of our mind-based relationship to numbers.  He takes us on a journey into the world of spiritual mathematics, where heart perception, intuition and our feeling-based understanding emerges,  It is only through this realm that we can truly understand the deeper significance of numbers and their interconnected relationships with all that is.  Through Roman's teachings, we are able to truly integrate the intellectual, spiritual and emotional bodies, allowing us to deepen our connection with the fundamental forces that make up the fabric of our reality.  One will never perceive the world through the same understanding once they have opened their hearts and minds to Roman and the world of Sacred Arithmetic.   Si Favorito.
Adrian Pure Heart Myst
PureHeart Mysts Facebook
​Roman is a number Genius, who Tabulates and Translates efficient methods of geometry and technologies language of form, shape,numbers, and conceptual measurement into modern application of phenomena for life, amazing scientific mind with a generous Heart,,,,,,,,    


" The only source of knowledge is experience "    
Albert Einstein 
Dislocated Shoulder Miracle

15 min treatment with Sea Water and High voltage current

Sacred Arithmetic Seminar

March 2015

Testimonial 2

Lyme Disease Recovery

February 2016

Plasma and cold electricity recovery

Sacred Arithmetic Seminar

March 2015

Testimonial 1

Sacred Arithmetic Seminar

March 2015

Testimonial 2

Dislocated Shoulder Miracle

15 min treatment with Sea Water and High voltage current

Dislocated shoulder 5 days after treatment

5 days after the first treatment. Sea Water and High voltage current

Knee and shoulder fixed

2 months treatment with Sea Water and High voltage current

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